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by Mr Fickle26/10/2024 17:03Sat Oct 26 17:03:42 2024 2 peopleview thread
Next thread: Posh Department Store woes. by BaldersYesterday 16:59Yesterday at 16:59:01view thread
Views: 551
Possible if sale does not go through by end of season they could be relegated or points deducted for next drason
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Re: Reading
Views: 439
Fingers crossed they go bust
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3 people
Re: Reading
Views: 320
Agree, they like us have idiots but the majority are just loyal fans. The Reading situation has nothing to do with the fans, its the result of the owner. I hope they get a buyer soon to get them out of this hole.
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Re: Reading
Views: 286
Agree both just shows you how things can change when a sugar daddy pulls out.They have been in a downward spiral since Madjeski left and similar club stories all around.
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Re: Reading
Views: 213
They say you can’t become a sugar daddy if you pull out. But that’s not always true. Something to think about.
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Re: Reading
Views: 247
Thank goodness we have an owner with one hand on his heart and the other sensibly on his wallet.
He's not perfect, but then who is. We all have our little gripes about things he does and doesn't do but that is nothing. Compare our "steady eddie" owner to what fans may encounter with their "sugar daddy" owners when they get bored and leave.
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4 people
Re: Reading
Views: 266
Now they've had the EFL ultimatum and owner/director barred the club will be worth half what it was, wonder if a fan consortium comes in It was rumoured but Dai wanted far too much dough.
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Previous thread: Tonight with Phil by boroinyc20/3 21:19Thu Mar 20 21:19:35 2025view thread