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Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By WASP (Original Mr Wasp)12/2 10:30Wed Feb 12 10:30:49 2025

Views: 743

All Revs needs to do is identify the two or three useless or lazy players he is picking and drop them. It’s not rocket science!

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Stevenageloyal12/2 10:40Wed Feb 12 10:40:26 2025In response to Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 662

Agree with this
I am sorry,great guy that he is, Reid is adding nothing to the team. Indeed his threat in front of goal is non existent, he cannot seem to hold the ball up, and he never wins any headers. He needs to sit out the next few games. I don’t think List is League 1 level either. We need to change it up up front for sure.
Goode is better than Sweeney, but can he play 2 games a week?
Agree that Roberts can win a game with a piece of magic but does seem uninterested right now.
Smith and Freestone are good squad players but are they good League 1 fullbacks on a permanent basis?
We have several good midfielders, but seem to struggle sometimes to find the right combination
Overall this season has been good, but just worry we will drop off at the end of the season, which may not bode well for next season

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Mutley (Mutley34)14/2 13:05Fri Feb 14 13:05:11 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 268

I have never really got the whole Reid thing, he had a good spell that spread over two seasons, so not a complete season as such, he's never been strong enough when the ball is played to him, great a going past players or nicking the ball of them if they are pissing about with it, cant win a header for love nor money, seems to spend more time trying to win free kicks where as if he was a bit stronger he could quite easily leave defenders in his wake, but as mentioned they are all league 1 players for a reason

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Sludgy6512/2 14:47Wed Feb 12 14:47:51 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 478

You can normally tell within 10 minutes of the game starting whether Robert's is up for it. Lately he looks disinterested. Rev's is definitely being too loyal with Reidy. Needs dropping. The defence have forgotten how to defend. And we've gone back to forgetting how to create chances. And all this in just 2 to 3 weeks. Rev's needs to lay the law down and get tough. A few backsides need a good kick !!!

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By BedsBoro (peanut)13/2 15:17Thu Feb 13 15:17:56 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 410

Just to provide some much-needed balance, two weeks ago we were in the middle of a 4-game winning streak and beat both Wrexham and Exeter, scoring 7 goals in the process. And Roberts scored two in the latter match.

There is a ridiculous amount of short-termism on this forum. The fact we are where we are in the league is impressive in itself when you compare the size of clubs we're competing with. By my count, four teams in our league have spent £1m+ on players this season. We aren't going to be good every week and our players will be inconsistent, because we're in League One, and they are League One players. If Roberts, Kemp etc turned up every week they wouldn't be playing for us.

Tuesday was shite and I hope we get a major reaction on Saturday. If we don't, it won't be the end of the world and we won't get relegated

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By neilp13/2 15:39Thu Feb 13 15:39:07 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 359

I think it's magnified because we've seen how well we can play... to then regress and be so painfully bad is so frustrating.

If we maintained a middle ground between the two, then it probably wouldn't draw as much of a reaction

But you're right - it's not the end of the world, and we are actually in a good position

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Balders (BALDOCKBORO)12/2 13:14Wed Feb 12 13:14:14 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 497

Smith is a L1 player for me. No problem with him playing either side.

Freestone has grown on me. He's a CB not a fullback but he's doing a decent job by and large and I wouldn't sweat too much if he had to step in for Pidge for a game or two.

Largely agree with the rest of your post. Although if we have to play a front 3, List wide is better than Reid wide, but neither are cutting it.

But hopefully the new winger solves that.... heard only good things, injury susceptibility aside.

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By HitchinBoro exCalling (HitchinBoro exCalling)12/2 10:39Wed Feb 12 10:39:54 2025In response to Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 598

Apparently it was our worse ever performance ☺️ So surely some on here should demand we drop them all .

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Village_Boro12/2 11:32Wed Feb 12 11:32:30 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 558

I agree, some people here are far too reactionary.

It veers back and forwards between extremes after each game.

Need to calm down and look at the long term view. At the start of this season I was happy if we could stay up and we are doing far better than that. Yes last two games have been crap, but Wrexham and Barnsley were excellent games so people need to chill out.
We have some genuinely very good players (eg Kemp) and some that are out of form. Much as I love Reidy he does need to sit on the bench for a bit to get his hunger back.

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Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad.

By Newbie_Boro (Yorkshire_Boro)12/2 13:44Wed Feb 12 13:44:54 2025In response to Re: Let’s calm down a bit. It’s not that bad. Top of thread

Views: 495

Totally agree with this. When we win it's all 'where are the Revs Out brigade?!" and when we lose it's "Revs Out!!!"

Just look at the bigger picture a bit, we're doing ok. Yeah, some shit performances but also some great ones too. We're comfortably midtable and that's pretty decent in my opinion.

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