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Re: Attendances - FAO of Chuds

By Chuds20/2 22:55Thu Feb 20 22:55:43 2025In response to Attendances - FAO of Chuds

Views: 427

I have us averaging 3,962 for the season at present, which is our second-highest in our entire history. Higher than our L2 promotion season two years ago, but down on last season.

Feels a bit unfair to simply compare to last season owing to the new TV deal this season (and the fact last season saw us play a lot of sides for the first time in a long time, which leads to higher crowds), which has fucked attendances across the board, and was always going to, and it feels unfair to simply compare to earlier season too as it feels like every match we have played for the past few months has been fucking freezing and raining (I am SO sick of the constant shit weather this winter), as well as there being loads of midweek (and 12:30KO) games lately, which don't encourage large attendances and are all televised.

Suspect four or five of our remaining six matches will see good attendances too, so expect we will average over 4k for just the second time in our history, come the end.

So all in all holding up well, with an awful lot of factors to dissuade people from attending recently, some on the pitch, some not. But you feel we are going to need to see more from an entertainment/creativity/attacking threat sense for many people to commit to a ST next year.

Edited by Chuds at 22:58:22 on 20th February 2025