9th and gone.
Views: 320
Games gone. As has Ian Evatt at Bolton.
9th in the league, overall win rate of 50%
Appreciate they are a big club with high expectations but do they really think a new gaffer mid January will fire them up the table?
- 9th and gone. by BaldersToday 12:53Today at 12:53:45view thread
- Re: 9th and gone. by HitchinBoro exCalling Today 16:53Today at 16:53:08
- Re: 9th and gone. by ChudsToday 13:11Today at 13:11:09
- Re: 9th and gone. by Owen BToday 13:16Today at 13:16:42
- Re: 9th and gone. by ChudsToday 14:12Today at 14:12:29
- Re: 9th and gone. by SFCfoxToday 16:54Today at 16:54:30
- Re: 9th and gone. by MerseyBoroToday 13:37Today at 13:37:30 1 person