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By Chuds1/3 19:53Sat Mar 1 19:53:05 2025In response to Re: REVELL OUT

Views: 396

11 league games played, four clean sheets, 13 conceded (six of them in the three games against Wrexham and Huddersfield).

Goode has played 10 league games, with three clean sheets and 11 conceded.

So basically identical.

Edit: And as Sev says, Goode has made his fair share of mistakes too, some have led to goals and some haven't, but those which have you and others will gloss over because you don't have an agenda against as you do with Sweeney (who absolutely was at fault for both goals today).

Edited by Chuds at 19:55:51 on 1st March 2025

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